Presenting the EPITOME project at Auchy-les-Mines' school (France)

Prototyping a solution cannot be done without a significant involvement of its users before the release of the first results. This is why the Epitome project went to meet several teachers at the Auchy-les-Mines secondary school (Hauts de France / France) with the aim of presenting the project as a whole and discussing the possibilities of integrating Epitome into their teaching.

The interest in Epitome encourages creativity and the presence in the audience of a teacher, already a Minecraft fan and ex-youtuber on the subject, greatly enriched the debate. Some learning tracks are to be explored and should be developed soon, such as the realization of virtual routes in London, allowing students in English class to develop language skills in orientation and travel writing, or in History-Geography, the exploitation of a local archaeological site to question the ancient architecture and its characteristics (materials, organization of space, emptiness of the inhabitants, ecological constraints...).

To be continued!